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Introduction to Smooth Talkers

We host two sessions every month and our sessions consist of putting students on the hot seat about what they can offer to the workplaces that they want to apply to and the audience which is the club advisors, executive board, and the other students present will be able to give constructive feedback.

By the way, Toastmasters and Smooth-Talkers are similar because of our club's focus on public speaking, but we focus more in-depth on the interviewing aspect of public speaking.

Meetings 📅

We have meetings bi-weekly meetings where we practice job interview questions: from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm virtually in:

Upcoming Meetings

You can RSVP to our meetings here

Our Mission

We hope that the feedback our students get from attending our sessions will be able to help them grow and become successful in their future endeavors, with renewed confidence during their interviews.